Meeting with Dr. Golembiewski
On 12th june 2005 Susann and I met the pediatrician Ms Dr. Monika Golembiewski near Heilbron in Germany. She has beein working in a projekt since nearly 15 years (see http://dorfentwicklung-indien.de and http://www.martin-kaempchen.com/doerfer.htm). For three to four weeks she goes to India to work in two villages of the native peoples of the Santhal, near Santiniketan, four hours north-west of Calcutta.
She told us a lot about her work. How she works together with other non-government organisations (NGOs) and espesialiy other private people willing to help. How she has to solve the most different problems and the need of a "clean and human worthy" medical tratment for the sick of this villages in an hospital. She told as too about many pausible actions there and showed as many photoes of the villages. She was able to give us helpfull contacts for your journey.
And thanx for the tasty rhubarbe cacke!

Elias Engelking 13.6.2005